Performative installation. Museo Ex-Teresa Arte Actual, Mexico City. This installation consists of two swings connected by the same rope. In this piece, I try to make visible our co-dependency with others as a constitutive element of being human. I not only establish a relationship between two weights, but also between each participant´s will, creating a balance that is not idealized, but that results from the harmony that is created between two persons balancing at the same time. Their will comes together to create a system. I relate their quest for balance to the idea of taking care of others, which is, in a way, taking care of ourselves. 

Presentada en la exposición A medida Incierta en la Nave Generadores del Parque Fundidora en Monterrey. En una colaboración de la galería Emma Molina, Alternativa Once y Conarte. Curaduría de Ana Cadena y Hugo Chávez.

Esta pieza se hace por primera vez en el  2015 en el Museo Ex- Teresa de la Ciudad de México, como parte de la exposición final de SOMA El fuego y el borrego.